Monday, April 30, 2018

Inner View with Vimala Rodgers

INNER VIEW with Vimala Rodgers 
by Ronney Aden - Worldwide Wisdom Directory

Q: Who was or is your mentor and why?
A: I have several wise and trusted mentors who, by their examples, show me how to live. 
  • Plato, because he saw humanity as One Whole, was utterly brilliant, always kind, and never judged.

  • Paramhansa Yogananda, because his guidance was practical: “Meditate each day, and serve humanity with your gifts.” His philosophy of life echoed Plato’s with the addition of meditation. 
  • Annie S. Peck, because, in 1920, after four years and five attempts, 60-year-old Annie S. Peck reached the summit of Peru’s Mount Huascaran, the first person to have done so. Not only first WOMAN--but first PERSON! Awesome accomplishment in 1920!--an outstanding example of courage and determination. 
  •  Annie Jump Cannon, because, after classifying almost a quarter of a million stars, she celebrated her accomplishments by writing a story for her Christmas cards in 1915 entitled, The Story of Star Light, which briefly explained this “new” science and her work to her friends. What a woman! Her mind and heart danced together effortlessly.
  • Opal Whiteley, because of her attitude toward life expressed in her diary, The Singing Creek Where the Willows Grow. I have read thousands of books. This one is my very favorite. VERY favorite.
  • Gustavo Dudamel, because of the way he inspires young musicians, respects them, and raises them to a higher awareness of who they are through music.
  •  Ogden Nash, because of his ability to put his sense of humor into radically   wise and funny poetry.

  •  Elwyn Brooks White, because he made grammar truly fun, had an untrammeled sense of humor as evidenced even in his Elements of Style, the bible for writers who want to be grammatically correct. He also wrote one of my favorite books: Charlotte's Web. 

Q: Who inspires you?
A: Anyone who is kind, laughs WITH people as a habit, smiles a lot, listens, and finds it easy to stop me short when s/he feels I am out of line or what I am writing could be done better. In other words, a happy person who is straight forward and honest, always there to help, never to judge and laughs a lot. 

Q: What makes you unique?
A: Who I am and what I came in to accomplish. 

Q: What are you personally working on at present?
A: Spreading the Vimala Alphabet worldwide, especially to teachers and parents, so they may adopt and therefore experience the transformational power of this writing system and share it with their students and children creating the possibility of peaceful thinking globally. 

Q: Do you have a favorite color? 
A: Indeed I do: The deepest blue violet (PMS#5255C) 

Q: Who would you like to have dinner with?
A: Mark Twain, Albert Einstein, Mother Teresa, or Leonardo da Vinci, because we think a lot alike; but they’re all dead, so hm-m-m... no one else I can think of. 

Q: If there were NO obstacles, what would your life look like? 
A: Just as it does right now. It's unfolding beautifully. 

Q: What activities make you lose track of time?
A: When I'm researching, writing, cleaning house, meditating, chanting... 

Q: What are your deepest values?
A: Each day, living “the 26 qualities we must perfect before we can be free” mentioned in Chapter XVI of the Bhagavad Gita (Song of God). 

Q: Is there a philosophy you live your life by or apply to life on a daily basis?
A: Because each letter of the Vimala Alphabet reflects a soul-based quality and I write it every time I move my pen, my philosophy is simple: "Living the Alphabet." 

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Inner View with Vimala Rodgers

INNER VIEW with Vimala Rodgers  by Ronney Aden - Worldwide Wisdom Directory 10/07/2010 Q:  Who was or is your mentor and why? ...